William Richert

“Throughout history it has been the inaction of those who could have acted, the indifference of those who should have known better, the silence of the voice of justice when it mattered, that has made it possible for evil to triumph.” Halle Salassie

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Soon I'll be able to show on maps of the US states before, during and since the Civil War that the slave-owning states, from which the cannon ball of Virginia set off a conflagration similar to the Virginians now sabotaging Obama's policies, shooting down his deeds fiscal social moral ethical and in the military, in order to cripple his ability to function as leader of all the states in aggregate, thus southerners destroying or crippling the country the Confederate States never wanted to bond with:  the United States.  The Confederacy went underground, it never gave up or gave in.  Today it is the old South mentality ruling or hobbling the country, continuing to destroy those leaders who don't follow a Christian Slave owning tradition meaning it's forgiven to harm your neighbor so long as you profit from it and propagate with children and keep the faith.  True, Christians weren't the only slave holders and slavery did not begin as an offshoot of middle eastern mysticism/flagellation cheap-labor combo.  But it's clear from the maps of the "red" states or "slave owning states" of old that the divisions we see today are those of a split country, struggling to stand up, as if having a stroke.  It is really awful to hear those like Rush Limbaugh pray to his god that Obama fail, and to hear others wishing that the US President fail, as if they won't fail with the nation he leads, as if they're not in the same bathwater.  I guess hey think their "god" comes first, when any god will do, as Richard Condon said.  Put in the media framework, it's like a family unable to decide whether to go to the mountains or the beach getting stuck on the freeway and running out of gas.  Or whether to take the vaccine or not, if the vaccine might carry the disease.  It is not good to wish ill for the leader of your country while he is still leading it.  The south never stopped fighting their war, there is a civil war in America that is bloody but not a bloodbath, and it keeps on going.  Lincoln's was not the last shot of the old war but the first shot of the new.  If the Confederacy would come out of the closet, we'd know who we were dealing with.

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